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The City will be providing opportunities for community involvement at each step in the development of the General Plan Update through community workshops, online and in-person surveys and meetings with the Steering Committee. The information below will be updated as new information becomes available.


Planning Commission and City Council

The draft Housing Element was reviewed by the Planning Commission on September 13, 2023, and by the City Council on September 26, 2023. The City Council approved the Housing Element, which was ultimately certified by the State Department of Housing and Community Development.


The next step of the process is for Planning Commission and City Council to review the remaining elements (Land Use, Circulation and Safety), which is expected occur in the late Summer and early Fall of 2024. Check the homepage for latest updates.


The GPSC met on March 21, 2024. ​See the Documents page for related information on this meeting.

Online Engagement

Members of the public are invited to participate in surveys and mapping activities as part of the update process.



To date, there have been three surveys to assist the General Plan Steering Committee, Planning Commission and City Council in reviewing and updating the General Plan. Input was received on the City's long-term Vision and Priorities, as well as topics related to land use, housing and circulation - see more information by visiting the Documents page. 



The General Plan Steering Committee (GPSC) is an ad hoc committee established by the City of Palm Springs to serve as one of the primary channels for the community to participate in the update of the General Plan. The purpose of the GPSC is to provide input recommendations to city staff, the consultant team, the Planning Commission, and ultimately the City Council on key components, such as the vision, opportunity areas, and land use plan.


  • Conveys the community’s perspective. The GPSC ensures city staff and the consultant team is aware of and understands community concerns, values, interests, and expectations. The GPSC is also a vehicle for obtaining a sampling of community opinions and attitudes.

  • Identifies critical issues and relevant information. The GPSC assists the Planning Commission, city staff and the consultant team in identifying critical issues that must be addressed in the planning process. The GPSC also provides information that is valuable to the process or issues/opinions that should be taken into consideration.

  • Identifies and suggests resolutions to potential conflicts. Identifies areas of existing or potential conflicts and finds ways to constructively resolve them.

  • Expands public awareness and participation. GPSC members expand public awareness and knowledge about the General Plan and related material. GPSC members also keep community organizations and interested citizens informed about the status of the planning process and encourage additional public participation.

  • Considers ideas and reviews material. The GPSC serves as a sounding board for ideas, items, and draft products presented by city staff and its consultants.

  • Suggests policy consistent with the Vision. The GPSC helps craft, stays familiar with, and seeks policy direction consistent with the City’s Vision during General Plan policy deliberations.

  • Seeks community benefit. The GPSC is a group of individuals who, irrespective of their own perspectives or preferences, seeks the benefit of the entire community in their recommendations.

  • Makes recommendations for decision makers. The GPSC provides advisory recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council on key General Plan components, such as the proposed vision and priorities, goals and policies, opportunity areas requiring attention (physical and policy), and updates to the land use plan.

  • Provides a public forum for other members of the public. The GPSC meetings will be subject to the Brown Act, California’s Open Meeting Law, and will hold regular, noticed and agendized public meetings. There will be specific time for public comments, both on agenda items and items not on the agenda.

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Kathy Weremiuk, Chair, Planning Commission 
Megan Rodriguez, District 1
Grant Wilson, District 2
David Powell, District 3
Lyn Calerdine, District 4
Curt Watts, District 5
Kathy Cohn, ONE-PS
Dan Malcom, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians
Carl Baker, Sustainability Commission

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